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Mission Statement

Digital-Ink is online software for creative writers. It is our mission to support you to plot, write and publish your stories.

Write efficiently and focused

  • Sober design to prevent distraction
  • Centered around writing
  • Smart screen layout with all relevant tools side-by-side to give you what you need as you write
  • Designed for large screens, but also works on small screens
  • Intuitive with smart tooltip guidance to increase your productivity
  • Multilingual user interface, currently available in English and Dutch.
writer behind desk looking at the whole of the moon

Tools covering the whole writing process

  • Support for 'Free writing' (so-called 'Fragments') that can be reused easily in (future) manuscripts
  • Capture and grow your ideas in your 'Idea Book'
  • Support different types of projects, from short story to novel to poetry.
  • Specify language for your project to take advantage of browser language tools
  • Manage your story elements, such as characters, groups, locations, events and others to maintain consistency
  • Keep notes per scene, chapter or story element to capture your thoughts
  • Configurable auto-save for your manuscript (on/off/set interval)
  • See word counts for every scene and chapter in your manuscript immediately

Tools to develop your story

  • Develop each plot line in detail
  • We consider our 'plot designer' a creativity tool, not an administrative tool
  • Develop your plot lines also when your story is still in the idea phase
writer's desk with plotcards on wall
book with wings

Spread your words

  • Export your manuscript as Word document
  • Export a single poem, scene or chapter as a Word document
  • Export your story elements, like characters, events etc. as a Word document

Worry-free system management

  • No software installation required, just use your web browser
  • Accessible with any device (that has a web browser) from any location (that provides internet access)
  • Your writings stored safely on our servers
  • Backed up daily
  • Always working with the latest version and features
happy digital-ink user behind her laptop

Complete subscription offerings

  • Wide range of subscription types from recurring to pre-paid
  • Wide range of payment methods from credit card to iDeal
  • Fair pricing
  • No price increase during the lifetime of your subscription
  • Get all new features without extra cost
  • Lifetime read-only access to your writings after you end your subscription

Watch 5-minute demo

Pricing information

  • All features
  • E-mail support
  • Billed Monthly
6,95 EUR5,95 EUR p/month
  • All features
  • E-mail support
  • Billed Quarterly
  • 7.5% discount
16,50 EUR p/quarter
  • All features
  • E-mail support
  • Billed Annually
  • 16% discount
59,95 EUR p/year
  • All features
  • E-mail support
  • Not recurring
  • No discount
  • choose 7 to 365 day period
6,95 EUR p/month (pro rato)
You take out and manage your subscription from within the application

Try it out now, 4 weeks ONE YEAR for free!

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